La Bibliografia gramsciana, fondata da John M. Cammett, ora curata da Francesco Giasi e da Maria Luisa Righi con la collaborazione dell'International Gramsci Society raccoglie volumi, saggi e articoli su Gramsci pubblicati dal 1922 e pubblicazioni e traduzioni degli scritti di Gramsci dal 1927. Per aggiornamenti, integrazioni o correzioni scrivere a:
Si fa presto a dire Gramsci, le lettere dal carcere, i quaderni.... Ma a veder bene, nonostante l'infittirsi di studi recenti sul grande intellettuale sardo e le raccolte - sempre più frequenti, ma spesso occasionali e discutibilmente "politiche" - dei suoi scritti, si può affermare che in realtà c'è ancora molto, moltissimo lavoro da fare per una conoscenza e una ricostruzione precisa, scientificamente fondata, della sua concreta attività politica e della sua elaborazione teorica.
Anderson, Perry,
The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci; London; New York: Verso, 2017, 179 p.
SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020813, livello=B1, titolo=The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci, sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Anderson, Perry], autorevoc=[Anderson, Perry], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-000387], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Anderson, Perry, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=London; New York, editore=Verso, forma_visualizzata=2017, forma_normalizzata=20170101-20171231, tipo_data=, consistenza=179 p., lingua=[eng], paese=[GB, US], abstract=
With ANew Preface and Annexe: Athos Lisa's Report
"A major essay on the thought of the great Italian Marxist An explosive analysis of the central strategic concepts in the thought of the great Italian Marxist, Anderson's essay has been the subject of book-length attacks across four decades for its disentangling of the hesitations and contradictions in Gramsci's highly original usage of such key dichotomies as East and West, domination and direction, hegemony and dictatorship, state and civil society, war of position and war of movement. In a critical tribute to the international richness of Gramsci's work, it shows how deeply embedded these notions were in the revolutionary debates in Tsarist Russia and Wilhemine Germany, in which arguments criss-crossed between Plekhanov, Lenin, Kautsky, Luxemburg, Lukacs and Trotsky, with contemporary echoes in Brecht and Benjamin. A new preface considers the objections this account of Gramsci provoked and the reasons for them"-- Provided by publisher., table_contents=
Anderson, Perry,
The H-Word: The Peripeteia of Hegemony; New York: Verso, 2017, IX, 190 p.
Egemonia; Relazioni Internazionali
Anderson, Perry,
The H-Word: The Peripeteia of Hegemony; New York: Verso, 2017, IX, 190 p.
SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0021487, livello=B2, titolo=The H-Word: The Peripeteia of Hegemony, sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=uniform, responsability_namePart=[Anderson, Perry], autorevoc=[Anderson, Perry], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-000387], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Anderson, Perry, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=New York, editore=Verso, forma_visualizzata=2017, forma_normalizzata=20170101-20171231, tipo_data=, consistenza=IX, 190 p., lingua=[eng], paese=[US], abstract=A fascinating history of the political theory of hegemony Few terms are so widely used in the literature of international relations and political science, with so little agreement about their exact meaning, as hegemony. In the first full historical study of its fortunes as a concept, Perry Anderson traces its emergence in Ancient Greece, its rediscovery during the upheavals of 1848-9 in Germany, and then its chequered career in revolutionary Russia, fascist Italy, Cold War America, Thatcherized Britain, post-colonial India, feudal Japan, Maoist China, through to the world of Merkel and May, Bush and Obama. The result is a surprising and fascinating expedition into global intellectual history, ending with a strong political statement about the present., table_contents=, titolo_collana=, collocazione=, soggettivoc=[Egemonia;, Relazioni Internazionali], subjectvoc=[Hegemony;, International relations], note_riservate=, source=, recordInfo=, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0021487, recordOrigin=, condizioni_accesso=, dateIssued=20170101-20171231}]
Crehan, Kate,
Gramsci's Common Sense: Inequality and Its Narratives; Durham: Duke University Press Books, 2016, 240
Marxismo Occidentale; Filosofia marxista
Crehan, Kate,
Gramsci's Common Sense: Inequality and Its Narratives; Durham: Duke University Press Books, 2016, 240
SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020275, livello=B1, titolo=Gramsci's Common Sense: Inequality and Its Narratives, sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Crehan, Kate], autorevoc=[Crehan, Kate], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-001609], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Crehan, Kate, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=Durham, editore=Duke University Press Books, forma_visualizzata=2016, forma_normalizzata=20161007-20161007, tipo_data=, consistenza=240, lingua=[eng], paese=[US], abstract=Acknowledged as one of the classics of twentieth-century Marxism, Antonio Gramsci's Prison Notebooks contains a rich and nuanced theorization of class that provides insights that extend far beyond economic inequality. In Gramsci's Common Sense Kate Crehan offers new ways to understand the many forms that structural inequality can take, including in regards to race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion. Presupposing no previous knowledge of Gramsci on the part of the reader, she introduces the Prison Notebooks and provides an overview of Gramsci's notions of subalternity, intellectuals, and common sense, putting them in relation to the work of thinkers such as Bourdieu, Arendt, Spivak, and Said. In the case studies of the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street movements, Crehan theorizes the complex relationships between the experience of inequality, exploitation, and oppression, as well as the construction of political narratives. Gramsci's Common Sense is an accessible and concise introduction to a key Marxist thinker whose works illuminate the increasing inequality in the twenty-first century., table_contents=
Preface, ix; Abbreviations, xv; Part I. Subalternity, Intellectuals, and Common Sense: 1. Subalternity, 3; 2. Intellectuals, 18; 3. Common Sense, 43; 4. What Subalterns Know, 59; Part II. Case Studies: 5. Adam Smith: A Bourgeois, Organic Intellectual?, 81; 6. The Common Sense of the Tea Party, 118; 7. Common Sense, Good Sense, and Occupy, 146; Conclusion. Reading Gramsci in the Twenty-First Century, 184; Bibliography, 199; Index, 207
Grelle, Bruce,
Antonio Gramsci and the Question of Religion: Ideology, Ethics, and Hegemony; London ; New York: Routledge, 2016, 158 p.
SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020333, livello=B1, titolo=Antonio Gramsci and the Question of Religion: Ideology, Ethics, and Hegemony, sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Grelle, Bruce], autorevoc=[Grelle, Bruce], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-002594], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Grelle, Bruce, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=London ; New York, editore=Routledge, forma_visualizzata=2016, forma_normalizzata=20160929-20160929, tipo_data=, consistenza=158 p., lingua=[eng], paese=[US, GB], abstract=Antonio Gramsci and the Question of Religion provides a new introduction to the thought of Gramsci through the prisms of religious studies and comparative ethics. Bruce Grelle shows that Gramsci's key ideas - on hegemony, ideology, moral reformation, "traditional" and "organic" intellectuals - were formulated with simultaneous considerations of religion and politics. Identifying Gramsci's particular brand of Marxism, Grelle offers an overview of Gramsci's approach to religion and applies it to contemporary debates over the role of religion and morality in social order and social change. This book is ideal for students and scholars interested in Gramsci, religion, and comparative ethics., table_contents=
Table of Contents
Introduction; 1. Religious Ethics, Ideology, and Culture; 2. Antonio Gramsci and "The Question of Religion or Worldview"; 3. Myth, Religion, and the Intellectuals; 4. World Order in a Global Age; 5. Religion, Ethics, and the Discourses of Social Change; 6. Religion, Ethics, and Ideology
, titolo_collana=, collocazione=FIG: G 946, soggettivoc=[Egemonia culturale, Questione religiosa, Intellettuali Organici, Intellettuali Tradizionali], subjectvoc=[Cultural Hegemony, Question of Religion, Organic Intellectuals, Traditional Intellectuals], note_riservate=ISBN: 1138190659, source=, recordInfo=, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020333, recordOrigin=, condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=20160929-20160929}]
Cospito, GiuseppeThe Rhythm of Thought in Gramsci: A Diachronic Interpretation of Prison Notebooks
Quaderni del carcere, Struttura
Cospito, Giuseppe,
The Rhythm of Thought in Gramsci: A Diachronic Interpretation of Prison Notebooks; Leiden; Boston: BRILL, 2016, XIII, 248
SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020274, livello=B1, titolo=The Rhythm of Thought in Gramsci, sottotitolo=A Diachronic Interpretation of Prison Notebooks, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Cospito, Giuseppe, Ponzini, Arianna], autorevoc=[Cospito, Giuseppe, Ponzini, Arianna], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-001565, IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-007857], responsability_ruolo=[author, traduttore], first_author=Cospito, Giuseppe, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=Leiden; Boston, editore=BRILL, forma_visualizzata=2016, forma_normalizzata=20160901-20160931, tipo_data=, consistenza=XIII, 248 pp., lingua=[eng], paese=[US, GB], abstract=Many scholars have recently shown great interest in a diachronic re-examination of Antonio Gramsci s main theoretical-political categories in the Prison Notebooks. This method would uncover the origins and development of Gramsci s concepts using the same method that Gramsci himself believed would allow us to grasp the rhythm of thought in Marx. The present work embraces this perspective and puts it to work in two ways. Its first part analyzes the relation between structure and superstructure and the concepts of hegemony and the regulated society. Its second part extends the diachronic analysis to the conceptual pairings which represent alternatives to structure-superstructure, encompassing questions of political and cultural organisation as well as the relation between Gramsci and the major proponents of historical materialism (Marx, Engels, Lenin). English translation of Il ritmo del pensiero: per una lettura diacronica dei -Quaderni del carcere- di Gramsci published by Bibliopolis, Naples (2011).", table_contents=A Note on the Text
Preface: Questions of Method
1. Structure and Superstructures
1.1. Working hypothesis
1.2. The 'Bukharin' phase (from the party school to Notebook 4, §§ 12 and 15: 1925-30)
1.3. The 'centrist' thesis from the end of 1930 (Notebook 4, § 38)
1.4. The 'crisis' of 1931 (Notebook 7)
1.5. Moving beyond the architectural metaphor (Notebook 8: end of 1931 - beginning of 1932)
1.6. The 'inertia' of the old formulations (Notebooks 10, 11 and 13: 1932-3)
1.7. 'Unended Quest' (Notebooks 10, 11, 14, 15 e 17: 1932-35)
1.8 Provisional conclusions
2. Hegemony
2.1. Introduction
2.2. 'Posing the issue'
2.3. Hegemony and civil society
2.4. Hegemony and the intellectuals
2.5. Hegemony and the party
2.6. The sources of Gramsci's concept of hegemony
2.7. A (re)definition of Gramsci's concept of hegemony
3. Regulated Society
3.1. Philosophy-Politics-Economics
3.2. 'Importuning the texts'
3.3. The regulated society 'from Utopia to science'
3.4. Towards a new Reformation?
3.5. Gramsci as critic of the 'critical economy'
3.6. Toward 'a new economic science'
4. The 'Alternatives' to Structure-Superstructure
4.1. 'Quantity and quality'
4.2. 'Content and form'
4.3. 'Objective and subjective'
4.4. 'Historical bloc'
5. The Gradual Transformation in Gramsci's Categories
5.1. Methodological premise
5.2. Organic centralism; Postilla
5.3. Common sense and/or good sense
5.4. Civil society
6. Gramsci and the Marxist Tradition
6.1. 'Marx, the author of concrete political and historical works': Caesarism and Bonapartism
6.2. Engels and the Marxist vulgate
6.3. Conclusion: Gramsci, from Lenin to Marx
Index, titolo_collana=Historical Materialism Book (Book 130), collocazione=FIG: G. 910, relazioni_titolo_collegato=[Cospito, Giuseppe, Il ritmo del pensiero], relazioni_identificativo=[IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0019097], relazioni_tipo_relazione=[tradotto], relazioni_numero_volume=[], relazioni_numero_issue=[], relazioni_start=[], relazioni_end=[], relazioni_pagine=[], relazioni_forma_visualizzata=[2011], relazioni_forma_normalizzata=[20110101-20111231], relazioni_tipo_data=[], relazioni_luogo=[Napoli], relazioni_editore=[Saggi Bibliopolis], relazioni_paese=[ITA], soggettivoc=[Quaderni del carcere, Struttura], subjectvoc=[Prison Notebooks structure], note_riservate=ISBN: 9789004266322, source=, recordInfo=, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020274, recordOrigin=, condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=20160901-20160931}]
Marco, Briziarelli,
Reviving Gramsci: Crisis, Communication, and Change; New York; London: Routledge, 2016, 161
Studi Culturali; Movimenti Sociali; Egemonia culturale; Rivoluzione Passiva
Marco, Briziarelli,
Reviving Gramsci: Crisis, Communication, and Change; New York; London: Routledge, 2016, 161
SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020343, livello=B1, titolo=Reviving Gramsci, sottotitolo=Crisis, Communication, and Change, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Marco, Briziarelli, Martínez Guillem, Susana], autorevoc=[Marco, Briziarelli, Martínez Guillem, Susana], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-007879, IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-007880], responsability_ruolo=[author, author], first_author=Marco, Briziarelli, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=New York; London, editore=Routledge, forma_visualizzata=2016, forma_normalizzata=20160101-20161231, tipo_data=, consistenza=161, lingua=[eng], paese=[GB, US], abstract=Engaging debates within cultural studies, media and communication studies, and critical theory, this book addresses whether Gramscian thought continues to be relevant for social and cultural analysis, in particular when examining times of crisis and social change. The book is motivated by two intertwined but distinct purposes: first, to show the privileged and fruitful link between a "Gramscian Theory of Communication" and a "Communicative Theory of Gramsci;" second, to explore the ways in which such a Gramscian perspective can help us interpret and explain different forms of political activism in the twenty-first century, such as "Occupy" in the US, "Indignados" in Spain, or "Movimento Cinque Stelle" in Italy., table_contents=
1. Gramsci in/for Critical Times 2. Selective Gramsci(s) 3. Gramsci and Communication: Dialectics and Translation 4. Occupy Wall Street: The Limits of War of Position 5. Movimento Cinque Stelle: Dialectics of Passive Revolution 6. From Indignados to Podemos: Sublating Vernacular Rhetoric into National Popular Rhetoric 7. A Dialectical Image
, titolo_collana=Routledge Research in Cultural and Media Studies, collocazione=FIG: G. 887, soggettivoc=[Studi Culturali, Movimenti Sociali, Egemonia culturale, Rivoluzione Passiva], subjectvoc=[Cultural Studies, Social Movements, Cultural Hegemony, Passive Revolution], note_riservate=ISBN-10: 1138854441, source=, recordInfo=, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020343, recordOrigin=, condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=20160101-20161231}]
Fonseca, Marco,
Gramsci's Critique of Civil Society: Towards a New Concept of Hegemony; New York; London: Routledge, 2016, X, 214
Società Civile; Egemonia culturale; Marxismo; Quaderni del Carcere
Fonseca, Marco,
Gramsci's Critique of Civil Society: Towards a New Concept of Hegemony; New York; London: Routledge, 2016, X, 214
SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020344, livello=B1, titolo=Gramsci's Critique of Civil Society, sottotitolo=Towards a New Concept of Hegemony, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Fonseca, Marco], autorevoc=[Fonseca, Marco], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-007881], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Fonseca, Marco, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=New York; London, editore=Routledge, forma_visualizzata=2016, forma_normalizzata=20160101-20161231, tipo_data=, consistenza=X, 214, lingua=[eng], paese=[GB, US], abstract=Based on a careful reading of Gramsci's The Prison Notebooks, Marco Fonseca shows hegemony as more than leadership of elites over subaltern majorities based on "consent". Following Gramsci's critique of citizenship, civil society and democracy, including the current project of neoliberal "democracy promotion" particularly in the Global South, he discloses a hidden process of hegemony that generates the preconditions for consent and, thus, successful domination.
As the struggles from Zapatismo to Chavismo and from the Arab Springs to Spain's Podemos show, liberation is not possible without counter-hegemony. This book will be of interest to activist scholars engaged in the study of Marxism, Gramsci, political philosophy, and contemporary debates about the renewal of Marxist thought and the relevance of revolution and Communism for the twenty-first century., table_contents=
Introduction 1. Rethinking Structures and Superstructures 2. On Moral and Intellectual Reform 3. The Process of Hegemony 4. A Critique of Civil Society 5. War of Position as Counter-Hegemony 6. The Modern Prince: Refounding the State Conclusion: Towards a New Concept of Hegemony
, titolo_collana=Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought, collocazione=FIG: G. 886, soggettivoc=[Società Civile, Egemonia culturale, Marxismo, Quaderni del Carcere], subjectvoc=[Civil society, Cultural Hegemony, Marxism, Prison Notebooks], note_riservate=ISBN-10: 1138185876, source=, recordInfo=, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020344, recordOrigin=, condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=20160101-20161231}]
This paper compares two Marxist interpretations of Machiavelli in order to better understand why, twice over, Marxists have returned to Machiavelli. I argue that Antonio Gramsci and Louis Althusser, the authors of the interpretations discussed here, both find resources in Machiavelli's work for the development of a non-deterministic Marxism that emphasises the role of political practice in enacting transitions between social forms.
Available online: Décalages (Accessed December 21, 2016)
Dans les années 1970, les partis communistes européens adoptent une nouvelle stratégie politique, qualifiée d'" eurocommunisme ". Le tournant qui est pris consiste à affirmer qu'une " voie démocratique au socialisme " est possible, et souhaitable, en Europe occidentale. Dans cette perspective, il est envisageable de jouer le jeu institutionnel bourgeois en participant au gouvernement, et d'élaborer des alliances avec d'autres partis (programme commun en France à partir de 1972, compromis historique en Italie etc.). Et on peut s'adonner à la critique du " socialisme réellement existant " pour son manque de démocratie. Pour manifester cette reconnaissance du " pluralisme " et cette prise du distance à l'égard de l'URSS, certains partis abandonnent officiellement l'objectif de " dictature du prolétariat " : c'est le cas du PC portugais (Xe congrès, Octobre 1974), du PCF (XXIIe congrès, Janvier 1976) et du PCE (Février 1977).
Available online: Décalages (Accessed December 21, 2016)
Esattamente quarant'anni fa, nel 1975, usciva in Francia, presso l'editore Fayard, il volume Gramsci et l'État. Pour une théorie matérialiste de la philosophie di Christine BuciGlucksmann, pubblicato l'anno successivo dagli Editori Riuniti, nella traduzione italiana di Claudia Mancina e Giuseppe Saponara, con il titolo di Gramsci e lo Stato. Si trattava di un libro incentrato sul pensiero politico gramsciano che si presentava come pionieristico e per certi versi appare ancora attuale nel tentativo di seguire "il ritmo del pensiero" dei Quaderni tenendo conto "des retours multiples sur une note, des versions différentes et corrigées d'un même texte" che ne impediscono una "exposition linéaire"
Available online: Décalages (Accessed December 21, 2016)
Frosini, FabioSurdeterminazione, egemonia e storia: il Gramsci "althusseriano" di Juan Carlos Portantiero ("Los usos de Gramsci") 1
Décalages, 1, 2016
Althusser, Louis; Egemonia; Portantiero, Juan Carlos
Frosini, Fabio,
Surdeterminazione, egemonia e storia: il Gramsci "althusseriano" di Juan Carlos Portantiero ("Los usos de Gramsci") 1, in Décalages, 2016
SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020522, livello=AP, titolo=Surdeterminazione, egemonia e storia: il Gramsci "althusseriano" di Juan Carlos Portantiero ("Los usos de Gramsci") 1, sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Frosini, Fabio], autorevoc=[Frosini, Fabio], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-001528], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Frosini, Fabio, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=, editore=, forma_visualizzata=2016, forma_normalizzata=20160101-20161231, tipo_data=, consistenza=, lingua=[ita], paese=[US], abstract=
Non parlerò di tutto Portantiero, né di una parte del suo itinerario, ma mi limiterò a prendere in considerazione un suo libro - Los usos de Gramsci - che poi non è un libro, almeno in apparenza, dato che risulta dalla raccolta di quattro saggi scritti tra il 1975 e il 1981, uno dei quali, il primo in ordine cronologico, dà il titolo alla raccolta. Il mio obbiettivo è di mettere a fuoco alcuni aspetti originali dell'interpretazione gramsciana di Portantiero, e di contribuire allo studio delle interpretazioni della teoria gramsciana dell'egemonia.
Available online: Décalages (Accessed December 21, 2016)
Girometti, AndreaEgemonia, dittatura del proletariato, democrazia radicale. Alcune note a partire da una rilettura di "Hegemony and Socialist Strategy"
Décalages, 1, 2016
Egemonia; Dittatura Del Proleteriato; Laclau, Ernest; Mouffe, Chantal
Girometti, Andrea,
Egemonia, dittatura del proletariato, democrazia radicale. Alcune note a partire da una rilettura di "Hegemony and Socialist Strategy", in Décalages, 2016
SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020524, livello=AP, titolo=Egemonia, dittatura del proletariato, democrazia radicale. Alcune note a partire da una rilettura di "Hegemony and Socialist Strategy", sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Girometti, Andrea], autorevoc=[Girometti, Andrea], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-007966], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Girometti, Andrea, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=, editore=, forma_visualizzata=2016, forma_normalizzata=20160101-20161231, tipo_data=, consistenza=, lingua=[ita], paese=[US], abstract=
Available online: Décalages (Accessed December 21, 2016)