La Bibliografia gramsciana, fondata da John M. Cammett, ora curata da Francesco Giasi e da Maria Luisa Righi con la collaborazione dell'International Gramsci Society raccoglie volumi, saggi e articoli su Gramsci pubblicati dal 1922 e pubblicazioni e traduzioni degli scritti di Gramsci dal 1927. Per aggiornamenti, integrazioni o correzioni scrivere a:

  • Claxton, Dana Ode to Gramsci - Red on Red

    This series of work was inspired by the language and ideas of Anto- nio! Within political structures of autonomy and resistance, the works play with Gramsci's words and ideas. I have twisted the structure and form of the words, but not the foundation. His intentions reside with- in the visual in this series of text-based works. In consideration of the proletariat, the working class and the workers body these works reveal critical political implications of language use, ideas and visual culture. In an attempt take a political theory or statement and transform ide- as into the visual realm - is the base of this work. The red on red, sug- gests I am following the red thread back, but in my case, as a Hunkpa- pa Lakota Sioux women, I am following both the red thread and the red sinew. I am suggesting that indigenous knowledges, which are shaped by the collective and commons, run parallel to Gramscian ideas

    FA PARTE DI: Gramsciana, 2016, pp. 201 - 203

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    This series of work was inspired by the language and ideas of Anto- nio! Within political structures of autonomy and resistance, the works play with Gramsci's words and ideas. I have twisted the structure and form of the words, but not the foundation. His intentions reside with- in the visual in this series of text-based works. In consideration of the proletariat, the working class and the workers body these works reveal critical political implications of language use, ideas and visual culture. In an attempt take a political theory or statement and transform ide- as into the visual realm - is the base of this work. The red on red, sug- gests I am following the red thread back, but in my case, as a Hunkpa- pa Lakota Sioux women, I am following both the red thread and the red sinew. I am suggesting that indigenous knowledges, which are shaped by the collective and commons, run parallel to Gramscian ideas

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