The Bibliografia gramsciana, founded by John M. Cammett, and now edited by Francesco Giasi and Maria Luisa Righi, in collaboration with International Gramsci Society, is a database of books, papers and articles on Gramsci starting from 1922 and of editions of Gramsci’s writings as from 1927. Contact us for updates or corrections at:

  • Cospito, Giuseppe, Introduzione a Gramsci; Genova: Il melangolo, 2015, 130
    The volume by Giuseppe Cospito is an introduction to Gramsci as a philosopher, which takes account for the great international luck that the Gramscian thought is facing in these years. Through an extensive examination of the fundamental concepts of the "Quaderni del carcere", seen in their evolution in relation to historical events of the 1930s, are investigated categories such as: philosophy, non-superstructure, hegemony, civil society, intellectuals, regulated companies, Americanism and Fordism, subject-object, national-popular. The volume concludes with a concise interpretive events major reconstruction of Gramsci's thought, with particular attention to more recent years, new Gramscian Philology National Edition written, and a summary of the controversy over conversion, rejections, missing notebooks.
    SUBJECT:Philosophy of Praxis; Americanism Fordism; Nazional-Popular

    SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020372, livello=B1, titolo=Introduzione a Gramsci, sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Cospito, Giuseppe], autorevoc=[Cospito, Giuseppe], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-001565], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Cospito, Giuseppe, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=Genova, editore=Il melangolo, forma_visualizzata=2015, forma_normalizzata=20150101-20151231, tipo_data=, consistenza=130, lingua=[ita], paese=[IT], abstract=The volume by Giuseppe Cospito is an introduction to Gramsci as a philosopher, which takes account for the great international luck that the Gramscian thought is facing in these years. Through an extensive examination of the fundamental concepts of the "Quaderni del carcere", seen in their evolution in relation to historical events of the 1930s, are investigated categories such as: philosophy, non-superstructure, hegemony, civil society, intellectuals, regulated companies, Americanism and Fordism, subject-object, national-popular. The volume concludes with a concise interpretive events major reconstruction of Gramsci's thought, with particular attention to more recent years, new Gramscian Philology National Edition written, and a summary of the controversy over conversion, rejections, missing notebooks., table_contents=, titolo_collana=Opuscula/231, collocazione=FIG: G. 875, soggettivoc=[Filosofia Della Praxis, Americanismo Fordismo, Nazionale-Popolare], subjectvoc=[Philosophy of Praxis, Americanism Fordism, Nazional-Popular], note_riservate=ISBN - 9788869830136, source=, recordInfo=, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020372, recordOrigin=, condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=20150101-20151231}]