The Bibliografia gramsciana, founded by John M. Cammett, and now edited by Francesco Giasi and Maria Luisa Righi, in collaboration with International Gramsci Society, is a database of books, papers and articles on Gramsci starting from 1922 and of editions of Gramsci’s writings as from 1927. Contact us for updates or corrections at:

  • Fernández Buey, Francisco Reading Gramsci
    Reading Gramsci is a collection of essays by Spain's most famous Gramsci scholar, Francisco Fernández Buey, with a unifying theme: the enduring relevance of Gramsci's political, philosophical and personal reflections for those who wish to understand and transform 'the vast and terrible world' of capital. Buey distils Gramsci's intimate thinking on the relation between love and revolutionary engagement from Gramsci's personal correspondence; he reveals how Gramsci draws on both Marxism and Machiavellianism in order to formulate his conception of politics as a collective ethics; he retraces the trajectory of Gramsci's thinking in the Prison Notebooks, and elucidates Gramsci's reflections on the relation between language and politics.

    Reading Gramsci is of considerable biographical and philosophical interest for scholars and partisans of communism alike.
    TRADUZIONE DI: Fernández Buey, Francisco, Leyendo a Gramsci, 2001: Haymarket Books, 185
    RISTAMPA DI: Reading Gramsci, 2014: Haymarket Books, 185
    SUBJECT:Neo liberalism; Language (including Linguistics)

    SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020276, livello=B1, titolo=Reading Gramsci, sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Fernández Buey, Francisco, Gray, Nicholas], autorevoc=[Fernández Buey, Francisco, Gray, Nicholas], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-000036, IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-007858], responsability_ruolo=[author, traduttore], first_author=Fernández Buey, Francisco, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=, editore=Haymarket Books, forma_visualizzata=2016, forma_normalizzata=20160101-20161231, tipo_data=, consistenza=185, lingua=[eng], abstract=Reading Gramsci is a collection of essays by Spain's most famous Gramsci scholar, Francisco Fernández Buey, with a unifying theme: the enduring relevance of Gramsci's political, philosophical and personal reflections for those who wish to understand and transform 'the vast and terrible world' of capital. Buey distils Gramsci's intimate thinking on the relation between love and revolutionary engagement from Gramsci's personal correspondence; he reveals how Gramsci draws on both Marxism and Machiavellianism in order to formulate his conception of politics as a collective ethics; he retraces the trajectory of Gramsci's thinking in the Prison Notebooks, and elucidates Gramsci's reflections on the relation between language and politics. Reading Gramsci is of considerable biographical and philosophical interest for scholars and partisans of communism alike., table_contents=, titolo_collana=Historical Materialism, collocazione=, relazioni_titolo_collegato=[Fernández Buey, Francisco, Leyendo a Gramsci, Reading Gramsci], relazioni_identificativo=[IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0015537, IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020277], relazioni_tipo_relazione=[tradotto, ristampato], relazioni_numero_volume=[, ], relazioni_numero_issue=[, ], relazioni_start=[, ], relazioni_end=[, ], relazioni_pagine=[, ], relazioni_forma_visualizzata=[2001, 2014], relazioni_forma_normalizzata=[20010101-20011231, 20140101-20141231], relazioni_tipo_data=[, ], relazioni_luogo=[Barcelona, ], relazioni_editore=[El Viejo Topo, Brill; Lam edition], relazioni_paese=[ES, ], soggettivoc=[Neoliberalismo, Lingua (e Linguistica)], subjectvoc=[Neo liberalism, Language (including Linguistics)], note_riservate=ISBN: 9781608465613, source=, recordInfo=, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020276, recordOrigin=, condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=20160101-20161231}]