La Bibliografia gramsciana, fondata da John M. Cammett, ora curata da Francesco Giasi e da Maria Luisa Righi con la collaborazione dell'International Gramsci Society raccoglie volumi, saggi e articoli su Gramsci pubblicati dal 1922 e pubblicazioni e traduzioni degli scritti di Gramsci dal 1927. Per aggiornamenti, integrazioni o correzioni scrivere a:

  • Bernhard, Armin Wissen und Intellektualita: Antonio Gramscis Kritik an reformpadagogischen Bildungsvorstellungen und seine Epistemologie der Bildungsarbeit
    This article examines the genesis of human cognition in terms of education (Bildung) based on Antonio Gramsci's practical-philosophical theory of history and society. First, a few general premises of contemporary Italian progressive education (Aktualismus; education activity) will be established, the criticism of which led Gramsci to the development of his own educational and politico-educational ideas. Then the theoretic-educational foundation of these ideas will be reconstructed, before outlining the relationship between the socialistic experience of certain childlike Episteme and education at school. The evolvement of the fundamental problems ensuing from this particular constellation of position, Gramscian theory holds, follows thereafter. In connection with this, the practical philosopher's ideas regarding educational policies and the formation of the educational system as well as schools will be expounded, which result as a consequence of his theoretic-educational considerations. The structure of this article pursues Gramsci's dialectic reconstruction work, which takes an interest in a critical sublation of theories, ideas and concepts according to a greater development of human culture
    TRADUZIONE DI: Paedagogica Historica, 4-5, August 2009, pp. 631 - 643
    SOGGETTI:Educazione (Pedagogia); Filosofia, Teoria

    SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020096, livello=AP, titolo=Wissen und Intellektualita, sottotitolo=Antonio Gramscis Kritik an reformpadagogischen Bildungsvorstellungen und seine Epistemologie der Bildungsarbeit, tipo_titolo=, responsability_namePart=[Bernhard, Armin], autorevoc=[Bernhard, Armin], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-000754], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Bernhard, Armin, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=, editore=, forma_visualizzata=, forma_normalizzata=, tipo_data=, consistenza=, abstract=This article examines the genesis of human cognition in terms of education (Bildung) based on Antonio Gramsci's practical-philosophical theory of history and society. First, a few general premises of contemporary Italian progressive education (Aktualismus; education activity) will be established, the criticism of which led Gramsci to the development of his own educational and politico-educational ideas. Then the theoretic-educational foundation of these ideas will be reconstructed, before outlining the relationship between the socialistic experience of certain childlike Episteme and education at school. The evolvement of the fundamental problems ensuing from this particular constellation of position, Gramscian theory holds, follows thereafter. In connection with this, the practical philosopher's ideas regarding educational policies and the formation of the educational system as well as schools will be expounded, which result as a consequence of his theoretic-educational considerations. The structure of this article pursues Gramsci's dialectic reconstruction work, which takes an interest in a critical sublation of theories, ideas and concepts according to a greater development of human culture, table_contents=, titolo_collana=, collocazione=, relazioni_titolo_collegato=[Paedagogica Historica], relazioni_identificativo=[], relazioni_tipo_relazione=[], relazioni_numero_volume=[45], relazioni_numero_issue=[4-5], relazioni_start=[631], relazioni_end=[643], relazioni_pagine=[], relazioni_forma_visualizzata=[August 2009], relazioni_forma_normalizzata=[20090801-20090831], relazioni_tipo_data=[], relazioni_luogo=[], relazioni_editore=[Routledge], relazioni_paese=[], soggettivoc=[Educazione (Pedagogia), Filosofia, Teoria], subjectvoc=[Education, Philosophical theory, Cultural Studies], note_riservate=, source=, recordInfo=, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0020096, recordOrigin=, condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=}]