The Bibliografia gramsciana, founded by John M. Cammett, and now edited by Francesco Giasi and Maria Luisa Righi, in collaboration with International Gramsci Society, is a database of books, papers and articles on Gramsci starting from 1922 and of editions of Gramsci’s writings as from 1927. Contact us for updates or corrections at:

  • Antonio Gramsci hundra år, [Programme for the meeting at] Lund [Sweden], 22 Jannuari 1991: Gramscidagen eller enskilda programpunkter har arrangerats med bistand fran British Council, Goethe Institut,... [et al.]; s.l.: s.n., s.d., 24
    [Programme for the meeting at] Lund [Sweden], 22 Jannuari 1991: Gramscidagen eller enskilda programpunkter har arrangerats med bistand fran British Council, Goethe Institut,... [et al.]
    The pamphlet contains the contents of the program devoted to Gramsci: a chronology of his life; two selections from Gramsci; the translation, pp. 13-14, of P.P. Pasolini's «Ur Gramscis aska» (There was already a Swedish translation in 1975); an article by W.F. Haug ( infra); and a short bibliography of works by and about Gramsci.
    SUBJECT:Convention 1991, Lund, advanced publication

    SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0015480, livello=L1, titolo=Antonio Gramsci hundra år, sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=uniform, first_author=, forma_parallela=, responsability=[Programme for the meeting at] Lund [Sweden], 22 Jannuari 1991: Gramscidagen eller enskilda programpunkter har arrangerats med bistand fran British Council, Goethe Institut,... [et al.], note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=s.l., editore=s.n., forma_visualizzata=s.d., forma_normalizzata=19910101-19911231, tipo_data=inferred, consistenza=24, lingua=[swe], paese=[SE], abstract=The pamphlet contains the contents of the program devoted to Gramsci: a chronology of his life; two selections from Gramsci; the translation, pp. 13-14, of P.P. Pasolini's «Ur Gramscis aska» (There was already a Swedish translation in 1975); an article by W.F. Haug ( infra); and a short bibliography of works by and about Gramsci., table_contents=, titolo_collana=, collocazione=FIG: Op.A.G. 110, soggettivoc=[Convegno 1991 Lund, Pubblicazioni Preparatorie], subjectvoc=[Convention 1991, Lund, advanced publication], note_riservate=, source=TRADURRE9 TITOLO,, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0015480, recordOrigin=antonio6-169., condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=19910101-19911231}]