The Bibliografia gramsciana, founded by John M. Cammett, and now edited by Francesco Giasi and Maria Luisa Righi, in collaboration with International Gramsci Society, is a database of books, papers and articles on Gramsci starting from 1922 and of editions of Gramsci’s writings as from 1927. Contact us for updates or corrections at:

  • Ives, Peter, Language and hegemony in Gramsci, [With a preface by the General editor: Joseph A. Buttigieg]; London ; Black Point, N.S.: Pluto Press ; Fernwood Pub.,, 2004, xii, 204
    [With a preface by the General editor: Joseph A. Buttigieg]

    Language and Hegemony in Gramsci introduces Gramsci's social and political thought through his writings on language. It shows how his focus on language illuminates his central ideas such as hegemony, organic and traditional intellectuals, passive revolution, civil society and subalternity. Peter Ives explores Gramsci's concern with language from his university studies in linguistics to his last prison notebook. Hegemony has been seen as Gramsci's most important contribution, but without knowledge of its linguistic roots, it is often misunderstood. This book places Gramsci's ideas within the linguistically influenced social theory of the twentieth century. It summarizes some of the major ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure, Ludwig Wittgenstein, language philosophy and post-structuralism in relation to Gramsci's position. By paying great attention to the linguistic underpinnings of Gramsci's Marxism, Language and Hegemony in Gramsci shows how his theorization of power, language and politics address issues raised by post-modernism and the work of Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Chantal Mouffe, and Ernesto Laclau.

    Available online: Language and Hegemony in Gramsci (Accessed November 21, 2016)

    Language and Social Theory: The Many Linguistic Turns
    Linguistics and Politics In Gramsci's Italy
    Language and Hegemony in the Prison Notebooks
    Gramsci's Key Concepts with Linguistic Enrichment
    Postmodernism, New Social Movements and Globalization: Implications for Social and Political Theory
    SUBJECT:Hegemony; Language (including Linguistics); Influence in Italy

    SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0014481, livello=B1, titolo=Language and hegemony in Gramsci, sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=uniform, responsability_namePart=[Ives, Peter], autorevoc=[Ives, Peter], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-002883], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Ives, Peter, forma_parallela=, responsability=[With a preface by the General editor: Joseph A. Buttigieg], note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=London ; Black Point, N.S., editore=Pluto Press ; Fernwood Pub.,, forma_visualizzata=2004, forma_normalizzata=20040101-20041231, tipo_data=inferred, consistenza=xii, 204, lingua=[eng], abstract=

    Language and Hegemony in Gramsci introduces Gramsci's social and political thought through his writings on language. It shows how his focus on language illuminates his central ideas such as hegemony, organic and traditional intellectuals, passive revolution, civil society and subalternity. Peter Ives explores Gramsci's concern with language from his university studies in linguistics to his last prison notebook. Hegemony has been seen as Gramsci's most important contribution, but without knowledge of its linguistic roots, it is often misunderstood. This book places Gramsci's ideas within the linguistically influenced social theory of the twentieth century. It summarizes some of the major ideas of Ferdinand de Saussure, Ludwig Wittgenstein, language philosophy and post-structuralism in relation to Gramsci's position. By paying great attention to the linguistic underpinnings of Gramsci's Marxism, Language and Hegemony in Gramsci shows how his theorization of power, language and politics address issues raised by post-modernism and the work of Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Chantal Mouffe, and Ernesto Laclau.

    Available online: Language and Hegemony in Gramsci (Accessed November 21, 2016)

    , table_contents=Introduction Language and Social Theory: The Many Linguistic Turns Linguistics and Politics In Gramsci's Italy Language and Hegemony in the Prison Notebooks Gramsci's Key Concepts with Linguistic Enrichment Postmodernism, New Social Movements and Globalization: Implications for Social and Political Theory Bibliography Index, titolo_collana=Reading Gramsci, collocazione=FIG: G. 526, soggettivoc=[Egemonia, Lingua (e Linguistica), ATTUALITA' Italia vedi INFLUENZA-ITALIA], subjectvoc=[Hegemony, Language (including Linguistics), Influence in Italy], note_riservate=, source=ISBN: 1552661393,, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0014481, recordOrigin=agg6-359., condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=20040101-20041231}]