La Bibliografia gramsciana, fondata da John M. Cammett, ora curata da Francesco Giasi e da Maria Luisa Righi con la collaborazione dell'International Gramsci Society raccoglie volumi, saggi e articoli su Gramsci pubblicati dal 1922 e pubblicazioni e traduzioni degli scritti di Gramsci dal 1927. Per aggiornamenti, integrazioni o correzioni scrivere a:

  • Krabill, Ron, Hegemony and the South African Transition, 1976-1996, Presentation at the American Sociological Association, 1998.
    Presentation at the American Sociological Association, 1998.
    «Gramsci's problematic of hegemony helps to explain the shifts in contestation over the apartheid state & provides a key insight into not only what has changed, but also what has stayed the same....Gramsci's insistence on hegemony's connection to economic relations suggest that, while an undeniably major shift in political power has taken place, the larger problematic of hegemony has perhaps remained underaddressed....».
    SOGGETTI:Sudafrica; Egemonia; Apartheid; Studi di caso

    SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0007068, livello=L2, titolo=Hegemony and the South African Transition, 1976-1996, sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=uniform, responsability_namePart=[Krabill, Ron], autorevoc=[Krabill, Ron], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-003105], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=Krabill, Ron, forma_parallela=, responsability=Presentation at the American Sociological Association, 1998., note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=, editore=, forma_visualizzata=, forma_normalizzata=, tipo_data=, consistenza=, lingua=[eng], paese=[US], abstract=«Gramsci's problematic of hegemony helps to explain the shifts in contestation over the apartheid state & provides a key insight into not only what has changed, but also what has stayed the same....Gramsci's insistence on hegemony's connection to economic relations suggest that, while an undeniably major shift in political power has taken place, the larger problematic of hegemony has perhaps remained underaddressed....»., table_contents=, titolo_collana=, collocazione=, soggettivoc=[Sudafrica, Egemonia, Apartheid, Studi di caso], subjectvoc=[South Africa, Hegemony, Apartheid], note_riservate=CMMCN, source=L2. (Sociological Abstracts, 16 March, 2000) FIND: NEED PAGES &DATE &PLACE OF PRESENTATION. E-MAIL:,, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0007068, recordOrigin=antonio6-7223., condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=}]