La Bibliografia gramsciana, fondata da John M. Cammett, ora curata da Francesco Giasi e da Maria Luisa Righi con la collaborazione dell'International Gramsci Society raccoglie volumi, saggi e articoli su Gramsci pubblicati dal 1922 e pubblicazioni e traduzioni degli scritti di Gramsci dal 1927. Per aggiornamenti, integrazioni o correzioni scrivere a:

  • ** [Preface to] Antonio Gramsci, "Alcuni temi della quistione meridionale"
    This is the first publication of this essay by Gramsci.It is preceded by this brief, anonymous and untitled preface. This is the English translation: «In 1926, during the months immediately preceding his arrest, comrade Gramsci was preparing the publication of an ideological periodical for our Party. The Southern question was to have been examined by him in the first numbers of the journal in a series of articles which were by then already prepared and which he read to some comrades of the Central committee of the Party. Today, we are publishing one of these articles, just as it came into our possession after a great many complications. The essay is not complete and, probably, it would have been revised here and there by the author. We are publishing it without any corrections as the best document of an incomparably profound, strong and original communist political thought, rich in further developments.».
    FA PARTE DI: Lo Stato operaio, 1, January, 1930
    SOGGETTI:Quistione Meridionale (1926)

    SolrDocument[{id=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0000251, livello=IP, titolo=[Preface to] Antonio Gramsci, "Alcuni temi della quistione meridionale", sottotitolo=, tipo_titolo=uniform, responsability_namePart=[**], autorevoc=[**], responsability_codice=[IT-GRAMSCI-EACCPF0001-000140], responsability_ruolo=[author], first_author=**, forma_parallela=, responsability=, note_edizione_traduzione=, luogo_pubblicazione=, editore=, forma_visualizzata=, forma_normalizzata=, tipo_data=, consistenza=, lingua=[ita], abstract=This is the first publication of this essay by Gramsci.It is preceded by this brief, anonymous and untitled preface. This is the English translation: «In 1926, during the months immediately preceding his arrest, comrade Gramsci was preparing the publication of an ideological periodical for our Party. The Southern question was to have been examined by him in the first numbers of the journal in a series of articles which were by then already prepared and which he read to some comrades of the Central committee of the Party. Today, we are publishing one of these articles, just as it came into our possession after a great many complications. The essay is not complete and, probably, it would have been revised here and there by the author. We are publishing it without any corrections as the best document of an incomparably profound, strong and original communist political thought, rich in further developments.»., table_contents=, titolo_collana=, collocazione=, relazioni_titolo_collegato=[Lo Stato operaio], relazioni_identificativo=[IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0015000], relazioni_tipo_relazione=[padre], relazioni_numero_volume=[IV], relazioni_numero_issue=[1], relazioni_start=[], relazioni_end=[], relazioni_pagine=[9], relazioni_forma_visualizzata=[January, 1930], relazioni_forma_normalizzata=[19301000-19301000], relazioni_tipo_data=[], relazioni_luogo=[], relazioni_editore=[], relazioni_paese=[], soggettivoc=[Quistione Meridionale (1926)], subjectvoc=[Southern Question (1926)], note_riservate=Giasi (lasciata solo la p. del corsivo), source=I (NYPL, 11-94), recordInfo=, identifier=IT-GRAMSCI-BIB00001-0000251, recordOrigin=antonio6-262., condizioni_accesso=public, dateIssued=19301000-19301000}]